Friday, August 03, 2007

USA & other stuff

We had the most awesome trip to the USA in July. It was great to hang out with the Mullins Family in Washington, although it was a very busy trip. We were in San Francisco for 2 nights, which was amazing. Then DC for a couple of days and then we hired a 12 seater van and went up to Niagara Falls, Toronto & Montreal for a couple of days each. Then we trecked back through to Coopers Town & the shrine of the American Martyrs in New York State, with a side stop in Vermont. The trip was great fun. Solomon had a ball, although he did get sick of the car, as we all did.
It was great travelling with Solly, as he makes lots of friends. We would be on a train or sitting in a park and he will find someone that takes his interest, make eyes at them until they look at him...and then he is in, smiling and chatting away. We met so many nice people on our travels because of our social little boy!
Phil and I left Solomon with the Mullins Family and went to the coast for a couple of days. We stayed at Virginia Beach and experienced the American summer vacation. It was so different to Aussie Beaches & i don't think much relaxing goes on as the life guards don't stop blowing their whistles. People aren't allowed to swim further than 20 metres from the shore and if they do the life guards, who are situated every 30 metres, blow thier whistles and call you back in. There was little waves which broke only 5 metres from the shore. At least the water wasn't freezing.
Anyway, we are back in Canberra now. It is freezing cold and Solomon is a bit crook with the flu and we are getting back into the swing of things. And yes, I'm looking much bigger with little Rudee.
My photos aren't working so I'll try and add some later. See ya.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Going to the USA

Well, this saturday we jet set off to the USA for three weeks. I've spent a while now cleaning the house and getting everything ready for our big trip. I'm a bit nervous though! Solly hase been on a plane before, but not for this long. But it should be good. We are all looking forward to seeing Granma and Grandad USA and the uncle and aunts. Solomon will just love it!
Solly is walking really well now. He does laps of the house and thinks he is quite the tricky one when he ends up in the laundary, or in the kitchen draws (don't worry, I've put all the sharp and dangerous stuff up). He occationally walks around with his hands out like a zombie, but more often than not, he puts his hands down by his side or behind his back. Solomon is so much fun, he loves to talk on the phone (to himself) and does fake laughs when he's having a chat. He also likes to dance to channel V or video hits. And his also getting into the wiggles. He'll sit and dance to them for ages. Anyway, I should get packing. The photo attached is Solomon after a friends wedding. He was posing for the out Australia's Next Top Model!!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Crawling and Walking

Well, it's all happening!!! About three weeks ago Solomon ventured out and started to mo(ve. He began to crawl...although his style is a bit weird. He crawls on one knee and one foot. it takes a while for him to get anywhere but at least he's getting somewhere. But then about 3 days later he took his first steps. I nearly fell over backwards. We were in his bedroom after a bath and i held him in front of me. I let go for a second and he took a step...then I did it again and he took three steps without me holding on. it was a great game for a while, where he would take a couple of steps and then fall into my (or Phil's) arms. But the last couple of days he's just decided to let go of the furniture and walk to somewhere a metre or two away! There is no stopping this boy.
Apart from that life is pretty crazy here. I'm trying to get my studies done for this semester and Phil is trying to get his reports done, as well as preparing for our big trip to the US.
I've added a snap of our newest nephew Caleb Kirk. He was teeny tiny. This photo looks like it could be what life will be like in December!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Some Solly Snaps

Solomon eating his birthday cake
The great cake
Solomon and his dad

Monday, May 07, 2007

Solomon's Birthday and other things

Life has been pretty crazy lately. Solomon turned one. I can’t believe its already been a year and he still doesn’t crawl. But he is cruising around the furniture a lot! His party was great. My highlight was the great piñata cake that I created. It took a long time to do, but it was worth it! I loved Phil and Solomon smashing the chocolate to uncover the ice cream cake inside. There were so many people here for the day and Solomon was very spoilt! We also made the big announcement that Solomon is to be getting another brother or sister in December. We are actually due in late November but I’m sure that this one will have a big head, like Solomon, and decide to come late.
The next day we headed up to Brisvagas for Amanda and Peter’s wedding. We arrived a couple of days early to do some shopping in the city and chill out for a bit before the big day. The wedding was just amazing. Amanda looked lovely and it was great to meet Peter at last. It was the best fun and Phil liked that all beers, even international beers, were on the tab!
Since we’ve been back Granma USA went back to the USA, which was very sad. It was great to see her here, even if it was for a short while. And I’ve been trying to finish uni work. I always get a little stressed when I can see exams in sight.
Anyway, that’s goss for now.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Solly's Birthday Party Invite

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


As I mentioned in previous posts, we went camping over Easter. It was an interesting experience to say the least. On the Thursday afternoon we left Canberra after Phil finished school but we had to do some running around to pick things up so the trip out to Galong was pretty long. We got out there and had to put the tent up in the dark and because we used the car lights, the car battery went flat. We went to mass, which was freezing in the big tent and then we went to bed. It was really windy, so we didn't get much sleep. Then at 3am the dramas started. Solomon woke up and so did Phil and I. We looked up and the tent was caving in. The centre pole connections were bending. Solomon started screaming because of the noise and he was really scared. We were going to get in the car and go for a drive to calm Solly down, but realised the cars battery was flat. So, we went to find help. We went to the cottage where Phil's mum and dad were staying. We ended up staying there for the night. Phil's mum and dad in one small single bed and Solomon and I in the other single bed. Phil slept on the floor in between. It was very cozy. Although Solly kept everyone awake because it took him a long time to calm down and go back to sleep. I had to feed him for about an hour as it was the only way to stop him from crying. We were so exhausted by the morning.
The next day we went to survey the damage. Our tent was completely flattened and the centre poles connections had snapped. So we took it apart and spent the rest of the time sleeping in the cottage and Solomon slept really well from then on.
Things picked up from then on, we recharged the cars battery and got some sleep. We climbed rosary hill and went to all the services. It was really good. The masses were really well done and really enjoyable. We left early on Easter Sunday morning so we could go home and have a rest and also to meet Solomon's new cousin, Riley who was born at 8.50pm on Saturday night.Solomon on Easter Sunday.Solly and his dad walking up to rosary hill.