Saturday, October 21, 2006

Beach & Other Stuff

Well, I'm trying to upload photos. We'll see if it happens or not. So, until then I'll tell you about our trip to the coast...
As Phillip is a teacher he gets 2 weeks holidays in between terms. So we had a week at the coast with Phil's sister Karen and her family. They have a lovely house in Tomakin. It was a great relaxing week where we didn't do a whole lot except for sit in the sun on the balcony and read the newspaper, go for short walks, visit neighbouring towns and we even had a couple of dips in the ocean. Solly had his first and only dip on the day it was 30 degrees outside, so it was hot enough to swim, but lets just say it is no Queensland water, as it was so cold! Solly just squeeled like a little girl with just his feet in, but we thought we should do the emerse, so we dunked him quickly. He screamed again and we wrapped him in a towel as he calmed down. Within minutes he was asleep in Phil's arms...I guess it is a pretty big day when you have your first swim in the ocean.
Anyway, other news. Solly has started solids. He eats rice cereal with breast milk. Not very exciting at the moment. We might do some fruit and vegie shopping next week so he can get a bit more variety in his diet. But as he has skin problems, it makes him more prone to allergies, so we have to go and see the nurse before we get a bit too advanced with his eating. He eats pretty well, although he often sticks his tongue out and has a bit of a spit. He's also started to chat a bit. He often says mumumumum, which I am very excited about. He is also sitting really well. He is growing up so quickly and every couple of days it seems like he is doing something new. It is so exciting.
Tonight I also booked Solomon and my tickets to Brisvagas for when my folks come to Australia. They are spending a week in Canberra and then we are all travelling up to Queensland for a week at the beach. It'll be Solly's first trip on the plane (out of the womb), and he'll get to meet his Great Grandparents for the first time. I'm looking forward to it.
And it looks like the photos don't want to load again, so I'll try again later. i'll keep you posted.


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